Monday, December 15, 2008



A semaphore of heart to be perceived

The drop of tear eye conceived

Convoluting space beneath the soul

Darkness, the absence of light, in the hole

Virgin beauty of mind fostering thought

Cadence of truth what they sought

They see the pictures moving, warbling

Holding a second from nothing for something

Pleochroic vision the heart sees

It gasps; it flouts hides and pleads

An equine’s canter, a breath of innocence

Misses a beat, a beat of evanescence

A year being added…a year being subtracted…a year being multiplied…a year being divided…

Going through the rules of algebra…belligerent life…

A time stamp they make once in a while…

Whispers …hush. Moving the lashes…in unison…

A birth…a day… a day of dream…

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