Monday, December 15, 2008

What a Shame less Act ?

The blood has not even dried on the streets of Mumbai, there is still a raging battle going on inside the Taj but the BJP is asking for votes in the name of those who have died protecting the country.

It is rich that BJP is claiming to be the one who can keep the country safe because after all -

  • It is the BJP that has electoral ties with Shiv Sena and the Thackereys - people who are no less terrorists.
  • It was the BJP government which took terrorists in a jet to Kandahar begging for the life for Indian citizens.
  • It was the BJP government that was asleep at the wheel when the Kargil incursion happened.

What a shame and what a shameful advertisement - woe be on you Advani and gang.



A semaphore of heart to be perceived

The drop of tear eye conceived

Convoluting space beneath the soul

Darkness, the absence of light, in the hole

Virgin beauty of mind fostering thought

Cadence of truth what they sought

They see the pictures moving, warbling

Holding a second from nothing for something

Pleochroic vision the heart sees

It gasps; it flouts hides and pleads

An equine’s canter, a breath of innocence

Misses a beat, a beat of evanescence

A year being added…a year being subtracted…a year being multiplied…a year being divided…

Going through the rules of algebra…belligerent life…

A time stamp they make once in a while…

Whispers …hush. Moving the lashes…in unison…

A birth…a day… a day of dream…

Anathema II

PART-2 Continues…

How good it is to be good. What makes an anathema? Our egalitarian society judges people by morale, by prudence, by insanity, by technicality, by rationality, by acuity and terms the negative sigma of all to be a pariah. Is it so?? Is It the reality we live in we seek in. Well then a second look perhaps becomes necessary to evaluate the mere fundamentals of judging the society discretion.

Society detests those who are good whose morality is good and the follower of the light are termed as ANATHEMA.

CLICK! www. . Enter. Made a profile looked into a few and mailed a few. After 3 days a reply..cheers!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day is not that FAR

The day is not that far when we will take law in our hands, killing will be the primary sin that we will love to do...In a place called Metro it beckons to the tough, the corrupt, the brokenhearted, Some call it dark. Some call it hard-boiled. Then there are those who call it home. Crooked cops. Crooked Politicians. Sexy Dames. Desperate vigilantes. Some are seeking revenge--others lust after redemption. And then there are those hoping for a little of both. A universe of unlikely and reluctant heroes still trying to do the right thing in a city that refuses to care.

Law have to deal with incredibly high crime rates among criminals and civilians alike, which is why they have access to what most would consider "heavy weaponry" and full body armor. Those who make up the force have been described as commonly being lazy, cowardly and/or corrupt. Only a handful of the cops are honest, though frequently the wealthy of the city bribe the corrupt members of the police into performing their duty (usually as a result of some crime being committed against a member of their family).

Their should not be no mercy to those who "break the rules" and back up their independence with lethal force.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


“You are a criminal”

“You just like to carry the burden”

“Just trying to fool yourself and everyone around…”

“Throw it out”

“Dump it!”

“Throw it… Dump it …Throw it… dump it… Control


Click! The phone hanged up. He checks the time on his laptop its 3:00 am in the morning. He just finished talking to stranger. Stranger perhaps no not stranger this guy know about him almost everything… how .?? How is it possible..hah!

It’s always easy to share your burden with unknown, he thinks

He moves towards washroom, like drunk. He is laden with clothes because its winter but he is still shivering, body temperature too low. This has been happening since…since. Since?? Last year November to be precise…

He faces himself in a mirror. It’s been long time knowing himself, he feels. He carefully observes himself.

Hmm time for a background check

Name: Deepanshu

Age: 25

Occupation: IT

Status: hmmmm a very relative word

Mirror mirror on the wall, Who is the detested of all”, He speaks to the image standing in front of himself… He can see his forehead with bit of wrinkles…His tan complexion in orange light of GE bulb, the black rimmed spectacles, messed up hair, black big eyes. In sum not a very handsome figure.

CHEWING GUM” He says to himself. Chewing gum, the more u chew more elastic it becomes, that’s what he has been his life, his morality. The idea of god the idea of perseverance, the idea of idealism, the idea of perfectionism, In fact this chewing gum is an idea

The idea to feel the euphony spelt in moments of solitude.

SPLASH! The water clears itself. He sees himself again in mirror with water dripping. How much related he felt with it. The love of minuscule drops, shapeless, takes shape of any container it is kept in and that’s what he felt for himself that’s what he has always tried to do. To take shape, take shape and fit in.A virtue of self proclaimed obituary!

He clears his face using a towel hanging nearby. He takes charge of his laptop again and starts typing…

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Knowing me......

Sometime its great to know yourself, luckily i got some time to introspect my self today.
A question somewhere in my mind is boggling WHO AM I.
After straining my nerves real hard I land to the conclusion that it is really important to know yourself deeply and thoroughly.

I am born tough, tougher the task it becomes the tastier it is for me...

I like intelligent breed, who has wisdom of speech and thoughts.

I don't get impressed easily, it should be pure, original, intelligent, innovative rest is all crowd

Success and Failure don't deter me, I take both equally and gracefully.I am quite hungry for failure as it teaches many hard lessons. The only funda is the harder it gets the better you become.

I never fight back or explain people WHY , for those who don't matter ..

I am a good judge of people, my analysis at first sight usually come out true. I analyze a lot on Thought process and dressing sense(especially shoes) ...moment anybody opens the mouth you have the result.

I got saturate with things too early and too fast. Change is the only thing that sustains me and it applies to all the spectrum.

Never give up attitude, if I have committed something and have to deliver than irrespective of time and resources, i try till my last breath.

If I am into something , than i am all into it ..totally with all physical+mental+emotional axis

It is hard to convince me on big decision unless you have some logical back ground attached

I want to be a like a bird to fly in a sky with all directions open, to explore, gather maximum of knowledge +/- ve, hardships, good bad ugly all the tastes that damn exists on this small planet. Exploring caste, creed, race, pace before I die. Want to see life from every sphere land, air and water. Want to do all the nasty stuff, one weired thing at least one / day to maintain the momentum with life or else it would be same. It is U who makes this gay and sad, so when the steering is in your hand why to crib for the car that is in front or around you. this is how you move to a state solitude....
Life is much more beautiful as it is in front of you, we usually losses the flow while moving in the graph of work, people and social life. Making commitments, meeting deadlines, meetings, mails talks....etc and the process or the loop is infinite and it moves on....

We make faces, crib, cry on small talks done with manger or colleague ....everything is materialistic.......PAUSE ...and put a question to yourself, is it really worth worrying?

Their are better things to do in life ...think big.. If you are born on this earth, you have a mission to accomplish. Be a part or a helping hand to the society... involve yourself to different NGO, whether it will be serving to age old or handicapped and it is not necessary also that every time u have to contribute money , invest your self. The biggest gift of god Human yourself. Give them Your invaluable time and then see the happiness on their faces.. it has no words, no feeling to describe something that has to be felt, pure and divine ...only expression is by tears and has it is own language to speak.. teaching a 14 year old mental retarded to make an apple on a drawing sheet and then see the glitters in your and his eyes..that is LIFE ..
to have a glimpse of first ray of SUN...that is LIFE.
Helping and supporting old people is LIFE, Doing research or inventing something new for your own motherland and making it proud is LIFE.

We have our own measurement to define life according to our gifted capabilities I am just throwing the ball so that it should caught in all the baskets in every direction, come move out from you cubicle be a helping hand or at least a support to stand this society in a best possible shape ever imagine of, come out of your womb and see, feel and absorb the opportunity and start contribute ..even if it is a single drop or step it matter and it counts a lot ....their is no dearth of thoughts and opportunity is only how you look to to this.. that matters.

I am a tough, violent, who has an uncanny athleticism along with a lot of power, spends his time on the NGO's doing odd jobs for various people. It is been described as an "over the hill do-gooder" by several people. He suffers from a mental condition that causes him to "get confused", which is believed to involve short-term memory loss and possibly hallucination. I thought of somebody supplies me with medication to control these effects of his condition, though it doesn't seem to be supplied anything that would curb my violent nature. My personal code of honor dictates the repayment of debts and a sort of chivalry towards mankind.

Don't just be follower and moves in the direction as it is with the pace, as i said when you have the steering in your hand u move the life and it is never the other way round, think while sitting on the other side of the table... thought process change , wisdom attains a next level
Think with all the possible directions positive and negative both and the take the call.

The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that”


Monday, December 1, 2008

Wake up...

Every time there is an act of terrorism by Islamics, one of the leading charges that gets thrown around is - ‘where is the outrage from the wider Muslim community?’, or, ‘why aren’t the common Muslims condemning these attacks?’. In fact, I will admit that I, myself have asked these questions in the past.

Now of course, the shoe is on the other foot - or rather, on my foot - for it is my co-religionists who have been indulging in religious terrorism.

For the past month or so, we have seen increasing acts of violence on the Christian community in Orissa and then in Karnataka over the issue of conversions. I am staunchly against conversions, especially the ones that are induced by certain sects of Christianity such as the Pentecostals (as a side note, the US Republican VP nominee, Sarah Palin is a Pentecostal and that is just scary because of their beliefs). But the bottom line is that violence is not the answer to these conversions. If the Bajrang Dal feels so strongly about these conversions, they should try and get to the bottom of these conversions and find out why it is happening. What is it that Christianity is offering these people that is not being offered by their current religious beliefs! After centuries of treating the people at the lowest rung like dirt, these Hindu fanatics have all of a sudden become so passionate about the religious beliefs of these people.

And while all this has been going on, I have not heard of any outrage from the Hindu community except a smattering from here and there. Certainly, there have been no statements from the BJP (I Googled and checked their website - be careful in opening their website; it is so poorly designed that it will crash your Firefox, use only Internet Explorer) and searching through the blogs reveals that there is no sense of outrage from the larger Hindu community as well. India is supposed to be a free country where people are free to chose their religion.

If the Bajrang Dal is passionate about protecting the Hindu identity then there are many things that it can do to fix that. How about starting with cleaning up that great symbol of the Hindu identity - the river Ganga - which is nothing but an open sewer nowadays? How about cleaning up the river on whose banks Lord Krishna grew up (the Yamuna)? Or how about leading an effort to safeguard all stray cows on the roads, after all, as Hindus, are we not supposed to treat cows as our mothers? How about attacking and beating up those people who engage in female infanticide? Aren’t girls supposed to be Lakshmis? How about opening up schools and social service centers to help those who are converting and getting these services from the Christian missionaries? Of course, they will not do any of these things because they require effort and long term commitment. Much easier to pick up your weapons and beat up a group of hapless people - that gets them the headlines and votes of many morons. And this from a group that takes its name from the Hindu god who is the protector of the meek and the helpless. If for nothing else, Hindus should be outraged just for this desecration of Lord Hanuman’s name - where the hell is that outrage?

World Peace

Soka Gakkai International has organized an exhibition, 'Building a culture of peace for the children of the world' in the international decade for a culture of peace and non-violence for the children of the world, as declared by the United Nations...

It is not the violence of a few that scares me. It is the silence of the many.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. This quote captures the essence of our peace processes in the world now. A whole generation is hardly aware of the culture of peace, even in our country where peace is part of our nation’s identity. However, organizations like Bharat Soka Gakkai, are trying to spread the message of peace. The organization is the Indian affliate to the of Soka Gakkai International (SGI), an international NGO whose 12 million members based in 190 countries and territories work for world peace.

The NGO has organized an exhibition, Building a culture of peace for the children of the world. The aptly-titled exhibition has come in the international decade for a culture of peace and non-violence for the children of the world, as declared by the United Nations.

Says Jagadish, a volunteer with Bharat Soka Gakkai, “The aim of the exhibition is to instill ideas of peace in young minds. We are trying to explain concepts of peace to them and telling them about how it’s not just war and peace but also inner peace, peace with nature, with our surroundings, just about anything. If we sow the seed of peace now, it will hopefully help create a culture of peace.”

The exhibition covers various aspects starting with barriers to peace. Detailed explanations on factors like environmental irresponsibility, isolationism, poverty, nuclear threat, greed, prejudice and stereotyping which are barriers to peace are on posters.

Volunteers are more than willing to explain and discuss them with visitors. The exhibition also talks of creating a culture of peace by working towards equality, encouraging education, tolerance, international peace and other possible paths. Another interesting aspect of the exhibition is about religions and peace. This talks of the definitions of peace according to different religions.

The exhibition also has space dedicated to describing the work of people who have worked for peace with an interesting mélange of well-known humanitarians like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks as well as lesser-known ones like Nickole Evans and Veneranda Nzambazamariya.

The exhibition is ideal for school children but adults can take a peek as well. The organization has conducted essay and painting contests in schools on the topic What I can do for world peace and works from these are on display at the exhibition.

The exhibition is small but it carries a crucial message - that of peaceful co-existence, so if it can influence even a few children to think about developing a culture of peace, the exhibition would have served its purpose.